Namespace Wpf.Ui
- ContentDialogService
Represents a contract with the service that creates ContentDialog.
- NavigationService
A service that provides methods related to navigation.
- SimpleContentDialogCreateOptions
Set of properties used when creating a new simple content dialog.
- SnackbarService
A service that provides methods related to displaying the Snackbar.
- TaskBarService
Allows you to manage the animations of the window icon in the taskbar.
- ThemeService
Lets you set the app theme.
- UiApplication
Represents a UI application.
- UiAssembly
Allows to get the WPF UI assembly through Assembly.
- IContentDialogService
Represents a contract with the service that creates ContentDialog.
- INavigationService
Represents a contract with a FrameworkElement that contains INavigationView. Through defined INavigationViewPageProvider service allows you to use the Dependency Injection pattern in
- INavigationWindow
Represents a contract with a Window that contains INavigationView. Through defined INavigationViewPageProvider service allows you to use the MVVM model in
- ISnackbarService
Represents a contract with the service that provides global Snackbar.
- ITaskBarService
Represents a contract with a service that provides methods for manipulating the taskbar.
- IThemeService
Represents a contract with a service that provides tools for manipulating the theme.