Namespace Wpf.Ui.Controls
- Anchor
Creates a hyperlink to web pages, files, email addresses, locations in the same page, or anything else a URL can address.
- Arc
Control that draws a symmetrical arc with rounded edges.
- AutoSuggestBox
Represents a text control that makes suggestions to users as they enter text using a keyboard. The app is notified when text has been changed by the user and is responsible for providing relevant suggestions for this control to display.
- AutoSuggestBoxQuerySubmittedEventArgs
Provides event data for the QuerySubmitted event.
- AutoSuggestBoxSuggestionChosenEventArgs
Provides data for the SuggestionChosen event.
- AutoSuggestBoxTextChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the TextChanged event.
- Badge
Used to highlight an item, attract attention or flag status.
- BreadcrumbBar
The BreadcrumbBar control provides the direct path of pages or folders to the current location.
- BreadcrumbBarItem
Represents an item in a BreadcrumbBar control.
- Button
Inherited from the Button, adding SymbolRegular.
- CalendarDatePicker
Represents a control that allows a user to pick a date from a calendar display.
- CardAction
Inherited from the ButtonBase interactive card styled according to Fluent Design.
- CardColor
Ala Pa**one color card.
- CardControl
Inherited from the ButtonBase control which displays an additional control on the right side of the card.
- CardExpander
Inherited from the Expander control which can hide the collapsible content.
- ClientAreaBorder
If you use WindowChrome to extend the UI elements to the non-client area, you can include this container in the template of Window so that the content inside automatically fills the client area. Using this container can let you get rid of various margin adaptations done in Setter/Trigger of the style of Window when the window state changes.
- ContentDialog
Dialogue displayed inside the application covering its internals, displaying some content.
- ContextMenuLoader
Overwrites ContextMenu-Style for some UIElements (like RichTextBox) that don't take the default ContextMenu-Style by default.
The code inside this CodeBehind-Class forces this ContextMenu-Style on these UIElements through Reflection (because it is only accessible through Reflection it is also only possible through CodeBehind and not XAML)
- ControlsServices
Used to initialize the library controls with static values.
- DataGrid
A DataGrid control that displays data in rows and columns and allows for the entering and editing of data.
- DropDownButton
A control that drop downs a flyout of choices from which one can be chosen.
- DynamicScrollBar
Custom ScrollBar with events depending on actions taken by the user.
- DynamicScrollViewer
Custom ScrollViewer with events depending on actions taken by the user.
- FluentWindow
A custom WinUI Window with more convenience methods.
- Flyout
Represents a control that creates a pop-up window that displays information for an element in the interface.
- FontIcon
Represents an icon that uses a glyph from the specified font.
- FontIconSource
Represents an icon source that uses a glyph from the specified font.
- GridViewColumn
Extends GridViewColumn with MinWidth and MaxWidth properties. It can be used with ListView when in GridView mode.
- GridViewHeaderRowPresenter
Extends GridViewHeaderRowPresenter, and adds layout support for GridViewColumn, which can have MinWidth and MaxWidth.
- GridViewRowPresenter
Extends GridViewRowPresenter, and adds header row layout support for GridViewColumn, which can have MinWidth and MaxWidth.
- HyperlinkButton
Button that opens a URL in a web browser.
- IconElement
Represents the base class for an icon UI element.
- IconElementConverter
Tries to convert SymbolRegular and SymbolFilled to SymbolIcon.
- IconSource
Represents the base class for an icon source.
- IconSourceElement
Represents an icon that uses an IconSource as its content.
- Image
Represents an image with additional properties for Borders and Rounded corners
- InfoBar
An InfoBar is an inline notification for essential app- wide messages. The InfoBar will take up space in a layout and will not cover up other content or float on top of it. It supports rich content (including titles, messages, and icons) and can be configured to be user-dismissable or persistent.
- LoadingScreen
Prestyled loading screen with ProgressRing.
- MenuItem
Extended MenuItem with SymbolRegular properties.
- MenuLoader
Changes readonly field value of MenuDropAlignment to false.
- MessageBox
Customized window for notifications.
- NavigationView
Represents a container that enables navigation of app content. It has a header, a view for the main content, and a menu pane for navigation commands.
- NavigationViewItem
Represents the container for an item in a NavigationView control. When needed, it can be used as a normal button with a Click action.
- NavigationViewItemHeader
Represents a header for a group of menu items in a NavigationMenu.
- NavigationViewItemSeparator
Represents a line that separates menu items in a NavigationMenu.
- NumberBox
Represents a control that can be used to display and edit numbers.
- PassiveScrollViewer
A custom ScrollViewer that allows certain mouse events to bubble through when it's inactive.
- PasswordBox
The modified password control.
- ProgressRing
Rotating loading ring.
- RatingControl
Displays the rating scale with interactions.
- RichTextBox
Extends the RichTextBox control with additional properties.
- Snackbar
Snackbar inform user of a process that an app has performed or will perform. It appears temporarily, towards the bottom of the window.
- SplitButton
Represents a button with two parts that can be invoked separately. One part behaves like a standard button and the other part invokes a flyout.
- SymbolGlyph
Set of static methods to operate on SymbolRegular and SymbolFilled.
- SymbolIcon
Represents a text element containing an icon glyph.
- SymbolIconSource
Represents an icon source that uses a glyph from the specified font.
- TabView
The TabView control is a way to display a set of tabs and their respective content. Tab controls are useful for displaying several pages (or documents) of content while giving a user the capability to rearrange, open, or close new tabs.
- TabViewItem
Represents a single tab within a TabView.
- TextBlock
Extended TextBlock with additional parameters like FontTypography.
- TextBox
Extended TextBox with additional parameters like PlaceholderText.
- ThumbRate
Allows to rate positively or negatively by clicking on one of the thumbs.
- TimePicker
Represents a control that allows a user to pick a time value.
- TitleBar
Custom navigation buttons for the window.
- ToggleSwitch
Use ToggleSwitch to present users with two mutally exclusive options (like on/off).
- TreeGrid
TODO: Work in progress.
- TreeGridHeader
Work in progress.
- TreeGridItem
Work in progress.
- TreeViewItem
Extended TreeViewItem with SymbolRegular properties.
- ValidateNumberFormatter
Base nubmer formatter that uses default format specifier and CultureInfo that represents the culture used by the current thread.
- VirtualizingGridView
Simple control that displays a gird of items. Depending on the orientation, the items are either stacked horizontally or vertically until the items are wrapped to the next row or column. The control is using virtualization to support large amount of items.
In order to work properly all items must have the same size.
Based on
- VirtualizingItemsControl
Virtualized ItemsControl.
Based on
- VirtualizingPanelBase
Base abstract class for creating virtualized panels.
Based on
- VirtualizingWrapPanel
Extended base class for VirtualizingPanel.
Based on
- WindowBackdrop
Applies the chosen backdrop effect to the selected window.
- ItemRange
Items range.
Based on
- IAppearanceControl
UI Control with ControlAppearance attributes.
- IDpiAwareControl
The control that should react to changes in the screen DPI.
- IIconControl
Control that allows you to set an icon in it with an Icon.
- INavigationView
Represents a container that enables navigation of app content. It has a header, a view for the main content, and a menu pane for navigation commands.
- INavigationViewItem
Represents the container for an item in a NavigationView control.
- INumberFormatter
An interface that returns a string representation of a provided value, using distinct format methods to format several data types.
- INumberParser
An interface that parses a string representation of a numeric value.
- IThemeControl
Control changing its properties or appearance depending on the theme.
- AutoSuggestionBoxTextChangeReason
Provides data for the TextChanged event.
- ClockIdentifier
Clock system.
- ContentDialogButton
Defines constants that specify the default button on a ContentDialog.
- ContentDialogResult
Specifies identifiers to indicate the return value of a ContentDialog.
- ControlAppearance
Types of the available color accents of the controls.
- ElementPlacement
Decides where to put the element.
- FontTypography
Defines several predefined text styles that you can apply to some elements responsible for displaying it.
- MessageBoxButton
Defines constants that specify the default button on a MessageBox.
- MessageBoxResult
Specifies identifiers to indicate the return value of a MessageBox.
- NavigationCacheMode
Specifies caching characteristics for a page involved in a navigation.
- NavigationViewBackButtonVisible
Defines constants that specify whether the back button is visible in NavigationView.
- NavigationViewPaneDisplayMode
Defines constants that specify how and where the NavigationView pane is shown.
- NumberBoxSpinButtonPlacementMode
Defines values that specify how the spin buttons used to increment or decrement the Value are displayed.
- NumberBoxValidationMode
Defines values that specify the input validation behavior of a NumberBox when invalid input is entered.
- ScrollDirection
Direction of ScrollViewer.
Based on
- SpacingMode
Specifies how remaining space is distributed.
Based on
- SymbolFilled
Represents a list of filled Fluent System Icons
.May be converted to char using
or to string usingGetString()
- SymbolRegular
Represents a list of regular Fluent System Icons
.May be converted to char using
or to string usingGetString()
- TextColor
Colors for UI labels and static text
- ThumbRateState
States of the ThumbRate control.
- TitleBarButtonType
Type of the Title Bar button.
- WindowCornerPreference
Ways you can round windows.
- TypedEventHandler<TSender, TArgs>
Represents a method that handles general events.